Mama Town

I've been very neglectful of my blog and I'm so sorry! A lot of time has passed since I wrote a few posts and now I'm married with a beautiful baby boy! You'll hear a ton about him I'm sure as he's my new inspiration for my topics on here. I haven't decided a topic for my blog yet, so you're about to see a lot of posts on very different subjects but that's okay! I'm learning what I like to write about and you, my dear readers, are learning what you like to see me write about! It's a journey that we are taking together.

For now, I'm 5 months in to being a mom and I've got a lot of interesting topics on my mind. You know how when you're about to have a baby you go on Pinterest and read every blog post you can possibly find trying to find the perfect registry list or the perfect nursery set up? Just me? Okay. Well, I did that and in that process, there are quite a few things that were missed! It seems like every post said the exact same things over and over again. Especially when it came to the post-partum period. Now don't get me wrong it was helpful! But I was looking for new stuff! My next few posts will probably be about that sort of thing. Keep an eye out for them!

That's all for now. Exciting things coming!


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